from the ordinary
to the extraordinary

Treatment Packages

ב-LEO Clinic, אנחנו מבינים את הצורך הייחודי שלכם הגברים להרגיש בנוח ובביטחון עם מראה הפנים והגוף שלכם. אנו מציעים מגוון של פרוצדורות וטיפולים אסתטיים המתאימים לגברים.

Refresh for women with H. Acid

Beautification for women with H.Acid

A package of 4 PRP treatments

A package of 3 botox treatments per year

A package of 2 Polylactic Acid treatments

Masculinization for men with H. Acid

We understand that the decision to undergo facial surgery is a significant one, and that’s why we take the time to explain each step of the process and address any questions you may have. We aim to provide you with a safe and comfortable experience and help you achieve the results you desire.

If you’re looking for a way to enhance your natural beauty and boost your self-confidence, contact LEO Clinic today to schedule a free consultation and discuss our range of treatment options to help you reach your beauty goals.

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